FAQ For all those Frequently Asked Questions

Questions for:

About MCFC

What is Motor City Furry Con?
Motor City Furry Con is a convention run in southeastern Michigan. MCFC is a furry, or anthropomorphics, convention, which means that it is run for the furry fandom with the intention of offering programming catered to members of the furry fandom, as well as offering a venue for dealers, costumers, and general socializing of said fandom.
Who is MCFC, Inc.?
MCFC, Inc. is a 501c4 non-profit corporation founded in Michigan with the express purpose of holding the Motor City Furry Con event. No staff or volunteers receive monetary compensation for their work, but thanks is always appreciated.
Who can attend MCFC?
Membership is open to anyone 18 years and older.
How do I get a hotel room?
Rooms can be booked though our site here (when the link is up.)
Where can I find out more?
Updates and more details about MCFC will be posted on all of our social media sites. Links to those are on the right side of your screen for desktop browsers, and on the bottom for mobile browsers.


Is vendor space available?
All vendor space in the Dealers Den for MCFC 2025 is now taken, sorry. :(
What are the sizes of the tables?
The tables we currently have are 6 feet by 30 inches.


Is there a parking fee?
YES, new this year the main hotel's fee for parking is $15 a day per vehicle. The hotel has discounted their normal $30 a day rate for us for 2025. The overflow hotel(s) will have complimentary parking.
What happened to the complimentary parking?
We got lucky in 2024 -- the contract was already in place which specified parking would be free, before the hotel remade their parking lot. We fought for it again, but the discounted rate was the best we could arrange.
Are there any nearby parking lots that could be used instead?
There is a park-and-ride lot in the adjacent park, though it doesn't have many spots. We have approached nearby businesses about using their parking lots, however none have agreed so we can't recommend parking elsewhere at this time.
Will there be a shuttle?
Unfortunately not at this time. We're still investigating but so far have not been able to find a shuttle service that fits our needs. Rest assured, if we do find any alternative solutions, we'll let you know!
What's the best way to minimize the impact of parking?
Carpool, if possible! Talk to your friends that are going to see if they would want to split the cost. If you live close enough, consider comparing the cost to parking the car at home and using a rideshare service instead.


Is there a parking fee?
YES, new in 2025 the main hotel's fee for parking is $15 a day per vehicle. The overflow hotel(s) will have complimentary parking.
Should I Register?
Yes! You need to register in order to receive your badge. The badge is what gains you entry into all of the convention's offerings. We have a Pre-registration rate before the convention, so we encourage you to register as soon as you're sure you're going to attend so you can lock in the best rates.
Who is allowed to attend?
Most anyone can attend, so long as you're 18. Sorry, we can't allow anyone 17 or under to register or attend at this time, even with an older guardian.
Do I need ID to check in?
Yes, please bring a form of currently valid government-issued photo identification which lists your birthday, and have it ready when picking up your badge in registration. This can include a driver's license or state ID, passport, military ID, tribal ID, or such.
Do I have to register if I'm only attending for one day?
If you'll be here for just one day, you can use the Day Pass option. A Day Pass is the same as an Attendee registration, so you'll be able to get access to everything ordinarily available at the convention. Those are only available for purchase the same day either on the website or at the con.
Does general admission cover all the days of the convention?
Yes, all registration levels cover the entire weekend, with the exception of the Day Passes for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you pre-register before March 15th, you can pick up your badge on Thursday and enjoy the evening programming, too!
Do I need an account to register?
No, you can provide your information on the registration form without logging in. If you create an account first, however, that lets you log back in later to keep track of your registration, makes upgrading easier, and such. You can register multiple people under the same account. Having an account also lets you do other things with the site, such as build a customized schedule.
How can I upgrade?
If you have an account on the site, log in and then click the Upgrade link. If not, look for the confirmation email in your inbox. The confirmation link contained in there will allow you to upgrade your registration, too!
Are refunds available?
Our current Terms of Service disallow refunds on registrations at this time. However, we do know emergencies happen and are able to make exceptions. Send an email over to registration@motorcityfurrycon.org and let us know what's up, and we'll see what we can do!
If I arrive late can I pick up my badge?
This year, if you arrive before registration opens or after it closes, you can stop by con ops and they will issue a temporary badge. Then when you're able to go to registration, they can swap that out with the real badge. Just make sure you pay with a card online -- con ops is unable to accept cash for the registration.
Can I change the name or artwork shown on my badge?
You can change your badge up until it's printed. Printing has not started yet. Find the confirmation link you received when you registered, and it will say whether or not it can be changed. If you require further assistance please email registration@motorcityfurrycon.org
Do I need to have a fursuit to attend?
No. :)