The February COVID-19 Update

by Drykath
Posted on 3 years, 1 month ago

MCFC 2022 Status: Go

It’s February! And MCFC happens in March! Granted we’re at the very beginning of February, and MCFC is at the end of March. But still, it feels like we’re nearly there!

We’ve been so busy getting everything ready here; are you ready for the convention?

Vaccination Against COVID-19 Will Still Be Required to Attend MCFC 2022

Our vaccination policy is unchanged. You'll of course need to be fully vaccinated to attend.

We are not at the moment requiring boosters. (Though if you’re ready, go ahead and get one anyway; as we said before, please don’t base your health decisions on what a random furry convention minimally requires.)

Receive Your Final Shot By Thursday, March 10

Again, you're considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your final dose of the primary series. That means if you've not been vaccinated the final day for that last shot is March 10th.

If you're looking to get one of the 2-dose series vaccines (such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines) there's usually a 3 or 4 week wait between the 1st and 2nd dose. As such, you'll want to target your first dose for early February – like, now.

They're still available free of charge, and probably at a location close to you!

COVID-19 Vaccination Proof

The types of proof we will accept is at this time still the same as before. The list includes but may not be limited to:

  • An original, or digital picture of an authentic United States CDC COVID-19 vaccination card. This is most likely what you'll have.
  • An official original document, or digital screen showing an official Canadian province vaccine record, an EU vaccination certificate, or similar record issued by the healthcare provider in your region that administered your vaccination.
  • A digital screen of a patient portal showing COVID-19 vaccination dates, such as UofM's MyChart.
  • A verifiable letter from a licensed healthcare professional attesting that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

When you get to the con, be prepared to show your documentation to registration staff in order to receive your badge. We will not retain any of the documentation, or record any of the information. Just, no proof, no badge. And please don't send it to us ahead of time.

International Travel and Local Testing

If you’re traveling internationally to attend MCFC, you may need to take a COVID-19 test before you travel. The nearest location that provides PCR tests is:

CVS on Whittaker Rd (About 1.5 miles away from the convention)

Please confirm the requirements both to and from your country of origin, and plan ahead! Figure out what requirements you’ll have to meet and when so that your trip goes as smoothly as possible!

If you're not traveling internationally and just want to know before the convention (a very good thing) testing is available all over. You can also place an order for 4 free at-home testing kits delivered by mail through the USPS so you have them available.

Subject To Change

We’ve learned many things while enduring this pandemic. I’m sure we all have. One of those things is that situations may change on a week to week, sometimes day to day basis.

We’re trying our best to surprise you with as few changes as needed. If you’re the optimistic type, perhaps we’ll see the numbers dramatically improve and we’ll be able to ease up on the mask restrictions.

If you’re worried about things going the other way, for example booster shots becoming necessary, as stated before we aim to not introduce any new requirements after February 24th. We’ll try our best to have our policy locked in, and not make any more restrictive changes after that.