Artists Alley

Welcome creators and patrons of the arts! The Artists' Alley is open to artists of all levels to make, share, and sell their work. Whether you are a professional illustrator for a living, or this is your first time showing anyone those drawings you've been hiding in your sketchbook, you are encouraged to join in and get creative!

Please review the updated rules and details below. By participating in the Alley, you agree to adhere to these conditions and uphold the spirit of the Artists' Alley -- a social space for producing and promoting original artwork and its creators.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact

Hours of Operation

Friday: 11 am - 5 pm
Saturday:  11 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 4:30 pm

Artist Alley 2025 Placement

Artist Alley Room C Map

Artist Alley Room D Map
1 Fruity Tiger
2 The Black Purrade
3 Ojiilemon
4 Kida's Yarn Creations
5 FurToDaye and/or TheSinBin
6 Scarlett Wolf
7 ValPalStudios
8 CrayonsNThings
9 Yeens and Beans Studios
10 Rez Ratz
11 ZukiArts
12 Aetus
13 DerangedSpazz
15 JayEcho
16 Art By Axi Lotl
17 Espent
18 DogWool LLC
19 RoseWaterWorks
20 Aeluromancy
21 SomberPaw
22 AntleredVulture
23 Cosmic Inu Creations
24 KozyKatz
25 OneToken
26 Panda Parfait
27 Clare Lurks Creations
28 Lux Logos
29 corvidology
30 Squiidg
31 Milo's Dino Stand
32 Croc Confidential
33 CoyoteYoteCreations
34 SleepySheepStudios
35 Paint Brush Birdie
36 Rai’s Hobby Hive
38 Nightengale Needles LLC
39 Beanlover
40 Sundae's Sundries
41 Samuel MayBird Designs
42 Y2Kute
1 Fruity Tiger
2 Twincottontails
3 Ojiilemon
4 Kida's Yarn Creations
6 Rai's Hobby Hive
7 ValPalStudios
8 FurToDaye and/or TheSinBin
9 Scarlett Wolf
10 RezRatz
11 Husky suits
12 corvidology
13 Milo's Dino Stand
14 Cairo Steele
15 JayEcho
16 Art By Axi Lotl
17 Espent
18 AstroGummi
19 ZukiArts
20 Deer Maria
Stand by Croc Confidentia
21 somberpaw
22 AntleredVulture
23 The Black Purrade
24 Y2Kute
25 KozyKatz
26 Panda Parfait
27 DerangedSpazz
28 ZeroRemnants
30 Squiidg
31 BouncingArrow
32 GentleMoonBell
33 CoyoteYoteCreations
34 SleepySheepStudios
35 Paint Brush Birdie
36 CrayonsNThings
38 Nightengale Needles LLC
39 Cosmic Inu Creations
40 Sundae's Sundries
41 SamuelMaybird Designs
42 Fractal Fissure
Stand by Croc Confidentia
1 Croc Confidentia
2 Twincottontails
3 Ototobo
4 BouncingArrow
5 FurToDaye and/or TheSinBin
6 pinksphinx
7 Cairo Steele
8 Beanlover
9 Yeens and Beans Studios
10 CrayonsNThings
11 Husky suits
12 Aetus
13 Fractal Fissure
14 AstroGummi
15 Softraylo
16 Lux Logos
17 Espent
18 DogWool LLC
19 RoseWaterWorks
20 Aeluromancy
21 somberpaw
22 AntleredVulture
23 The Black Purrade
24 Y2Kute
25 OneToken
26 Fruity Tiger
27 Clare Lurks Creations
28 ValPalStudios
29 corvidology
30 Squiidg
32 GentleMoonBell
33 CoyoteYoteCreations
34 Chasing Tail Publishing
35 Paint Brush Birdie
36 Rai’s Hobby Hive
38 Nightengale Needles
39 Kozy KatZ
40 Sundae's Sundries
41 SamuelMaybird Designs
42 DeadPossumCo

Artist Alley Sign Up Policy:

Artist Alley sign up will be switching over to a digital sign up. Each artist will be able to sign up online via Google Forms with information about themselves and a little bit of their business so we can find the best place for them. We now have two separate rooms, we will have one room reserved for NSFW artists and one room for SFW only so attendees will have the option to remain in an SFW area if they so choose.

Telegram group for Announcements:

When will sign up be?

Artist Alley Applications will reopen September 1st 2025 and close January 1st for the 2026 year.

What is required to sell in the Artist Alley?

We know that artists have lots of diverse media from Illustration, pottery, sculpture, fursuits and more. We have a short list of requirements.

  • Bring an example of your work. We all want to see your creative skills and capabilities. Past works, prints and portfolios work well for this.
  • Clearly state prices. Price sheets and individual ticketing of items for clear and transparent pricing is key to good sales and further commissions.
  • Bring your own art. We understand you can't make every sticker or print of your art; but if you rely on mass manufactured products or bulk third party distributors for your sales, we strongly encourage you to apply for our Dealers Den for next year.


  1. You must be actively working on art while seated. This includes art forms that can take commissions, such as traditional/digital drawing, crochet, cross-stitch, and any others that you can take active requests. Other artists want a seat in the Alley, so make the most of your time there.
    1. We do encourage your patronage of fellow artists within the Alley. Make sure you have someone watching your table and stuff while you are away.
  2. Sales of Mass manufactured goods, NFT’s, Proxy sellers and AI Art is not allowed. We recommend considering a table in the Dealers Den for retail items. The Artist Alley is a space for live commissions and art created "on the fly." Completed commissions for pickup or display examples are permitted. Small batch items like pins, buttons, and stickers are permitted in moderation, provided they are of your original design, and you are actively working on other art pieces while seated. This is up to the discretion of the Alley staff, so please abide by their final word regarding any gray-area items.
  3. Do your taxes! Understand that doing business in the Alley means you are legally required to file your taxes with the state of Michigan. Relevant tax documents will be provided to you for your convenience, but MCFC will not be held liable for the tax obligations of any artist who chooses to conduct business in the Alley. If you prefer one to fill out in PDF format you may also go to the website and look up the Concessionaire’s Sales Tax Return, which is form 5089.
  4. If you need to leave, check in and out with the Alley staff. You are allowed to leave your seat for 15 minutes at a time. If you are gone for longer than that, we will give your spot to any artist who may be on standby.
  5. No napping at your table. Please consider checking out of the Alley and taking a nap in your room so other artists have a chance to exhibit in the Alley.
  6. There is NO electricity guaranteed in the Alley. We will not be able to supply you with power. Please make sure you charge your devices ahead of time or bring a battery pack.
  7. A laminator and badge hole punch will be available to artists and located with the alley staff. Free to use at your discretion, but please provide your own laminate sheets.
  8. You must take all of your belongings with you when you leave for the day. Please leave your space clean and tidy for the next artist or panel event. MCFC is not responsible for any lost or forgotten items, so keep track of your belongings!
  9. Be conscientious of your neighbors. Please mind your noise, food, smells, sights, space, and social graces while in the Alley. If you are disturbing the room in some way, you will be kindly notified. If the problem persists after the warning, you will be removed from the Alley.
  10. NSFW and adult work are permitted. However, as convention space per the MCFC Code of Conduct is considered to be PG-13, please conceal with stickers and/or clearly mark folios and binders containing adult themes as a courtesy to your customers and fellow attendees. It's just good manners!
  11. By accepting a seat in the Artist Alley, you agree to abide by these rules. Adherence to these rules will be enforced by the Alley staff at their best discretion.

Please help contribute to a peaceful, productive atmosphere by following the rules and upholding the spirit of the Alley. Please come to us if you have any questions or concerns; we can help!

Revised September 5th 2024.