State of the Con Address

by Shiro
Posted on 9 years, 7 months ago

To all of our convention members,

On July 8th, 2015, our present chairman, Indy, submitted his resignation.

Indy made great contributions as he and a small group of friends worked hard in a short period of time to create an event which continues in spirit of Furry Connection North. A record breaking first year convention and a significant growth in attendance for the second year were the result of his efforts. We all have many great memories of these first two years.

The Motor City Furry Con staff works all year long to bring one fantastic weekend event for our attending members. We dedicate ourselves to bring you the best convention experience possible. This commitment takes a lot of time from our lives. We have to balance other commitments with the time we would often rather give to this convention. This leads to difficult decisions for us all.

Above all, the convention exists for you attending members. Indy has decided that the best thing for himself, the convention, and all of its wonderful attendees is to pass the torch.

We wish Indy the best as he focuses on his career, his new marriage, and any other endeavors he pursues. It has been an honor to work with him these past two years as we make our dream come to life.

Razor, Programming Director and board member, was nominated to take the chairman position after the 2016 convention. He has graciously agreed to fill the position for 2016 as well. Razor's dedication, organizational skills, and his fun and welcoming personality are a great asset to the convention. He has, on many occasions, demonstrated devotion to this convention and enthusiasm for the future of its success. We are all very excited to move forward with him as our Chair as we continue working on the 2016 convention.

The 2016 Convention preparation continues on schedule and we are working hard to bring you an even better event each year. We look forward to seeing all of you in April.

If you have any questions about our event or organization, please direct them to

Thank you,
Motor City Furry Con
Board of Directors