Press Release Sep 27, 2015

by Mojo
Posted on 9 years, 5 months ago

There have been some rumors lately about MotorCityFurryCon. Normally, the convention staff would abstain from responding to inflammatory statements like these but we would be remiss not to address concerns being sent to us in various forms of social media.

We would like to answer some of the questions that have been directed our way:

Q. I've heard the convention is shut down and will not be happening in 2016. Is that true?
A. Incorrect. The Convention is still fully up and operational and is in full planning mode for 2016. Hotel rooms have already been booked, convention space reserved, and events planned. You can follow Twitter @motorcityfurcon or or for up to date information.

Q. Didn't I see on another Facebook page that the con was ending?
A. The page at was our old facebook page. It is not under management by anyone currently on staff. We are working to resolve that issue. We would advise unfollowing that page at this time. For official convention information, please refer to the links above.

Q. Is it true your chairman from the first 2 years AND the chairman that replaced him have BOTH resigned?
A. Unfortunately, yes. When you have an organization as complex and diverse as MCFC, it's no secret that not everyone will agree all the time. Every convention has disagreements between staff from time to time. Of course, we wish it hadn't come to that and we bear them no ill will in their decisions to leave the con. We wish them best and thank them for their hard work during their time with the con.

Q. I've actually heard that several members of the organization resigned recently. Is this true?
A. Over the last few months a small handful of staff members have resigned their positions with the convention. As with all conventions, there are a number of people who will leave and a number of new people who will join the staff every year. Each staff member has their own personal reasons for joining or leaving. Sometimes they are unable to continue because of work or family schedules. Sometimes people must leave for medical reasons. We respect the privacy of our staff and are unable to share publicly any reasons that they choose to leave. It's normal to see people come and go and we cherish and appreciate all the hard work those people do while they are part of our convention.

Q. Wait, so there's a whole new staff? Is this even MCFC anymore?
A. The overwhelming majority of staff is still here. Currently on the Board of Directors we have a few new faces and a few members who have been board since MCFC was founded. We also have 4 seasoned convention veterans: Snap, who has multiple years of convention staffing experience and is the former con chair of Morphicon; Keet, the Organizer of the Furry Cruise and veteran board member of FCN and of MCFC; Edward Hyena, staff/board from multiple conventions including FCN, MCFC, and is currently Chairman of Anthrohio; and Pandez, the Current Chair of Indyfurcon. All of whom are still in Board positions and lending their years, if not decades, of combined experience.

Q. I heard you guys were being audited by the IRS. What's up with THAT?
A. That is correct. We were randomly selected for an audit of our initial convention year 2013/2014. According to our head of finance we were among a few dozen "start up groups" selected for an audit. Our head of finance has oodles of experience in this area, having even conducted such audits himself during his career. After everything was compiled and submitted we were told upon cursory review that "This is one of the best portfolios we've ever had submitted". While our final results are still pending (we were about #17/30 in their queue) we have no reason to give it another thought at this time.