July State of The Convention

by Drykath
Posted on 3 years, 8 months ago

It's July 1st; Pride Month is now over, so you know what that means: Pride Rest-Of-The-Year!

It also means we're about three months out from Motor City Furry Con 2021. How exciting! It's been a long journey since that spring nearly a year and a half ago when MCFC, all conventions, and just about everything suddenly came to a screeching halt. But things are moving again, the convention is once again set to go, and we continue our forward march toward October. We have a number of irons in the fire, so I want to tell you what's in store.

Hotels, Overflow Option

If you're looking for a room you've likely already noticed, but we have official word that the main hotel is full. All rooms, entirely booked up, already! Goodness. There's always cancellations, though, especially as we get closer to the con. If you're after a room in the main hotel, check back periodically in case something shows up.

There are a couple hotels across the street that you could book right now: The Hampton Inn & Suites and The Fairfield Inn & Suites. Both are approximately a 10 minute walk across the street. We're seeing if we can set up a discounted room block at those; links will be posted on the Hotel page if those become available.

Dealers List

As mentioned earlier, we unfortunately don't plan to open up dealers applications for 2021, as we're carrying over the confirmed dealers from 2020.

We know you're interested in that list, though! Once we have the current vendors re-confirmed, and the layout set, we'll be publishing the dealers list here on this site. Keep an eye out for that within the next month or so.

Panels and Events Schedule

A new venue brings new challenges, between negotiating the layout of the space, room availability and scheduling, and all that. Long story short, the programming team is working through the schedule of panels and events that will happen during the convention.

Keep an eye out for that, likely within the next month or so as well!

Help Wanted

Running a convention is a collaborative effort. As always, we're keeping an eye out for critters that would like to lend a hand, and perhaps get a glimpse for how these things work behind the scenes. It's surprisingly fun. If you just want a taste, go ahead and check that volunteer checkbox on your registration form. If you feel you're ready to jump in with both feet, you may consider going right to the Join Staff route. (And yep, we see the couple of applications that came through recently -- give us a little bit to get back to you!)

That's It For Now

So far, we're still a Go. We may not be fully out the pandemic yet, and things can change so rapidly sometimes, but we're still aiming for that light at the end of the tunnel. We're holding onto that hope. And we hope to see you this October!