MCFC 2021 Reg: What You Need To Know

by Drykath
Posted on 3 years, 8 months ago

Registration for MCFC 2021 re-opens Saturday, June 26 at Noon. If you registered in late 2019 or early 2020 for that convention, and didn’t donate it or request a refund, your registration will have been carried over to 2021 and should be still on the books.

If you think you might already be registered but aren’t sure, check your email inbox; re-sent confirmation messages to those still registered should be going out about now.

The link for the hotel reservations will also become available at that time. Keep an eye on the page for that. We don’t expect a rush on hotel rooms, but then again we’re living in strange times, so it might be a good idea to get yours in sooner than later. In other words, if you’re planning on doing both on the 26th, consider doing the hotel reservation process first, and register second.

Vaccination Policy Update

Earlier, we said we weren’t sure about whether we would require vaccination to attend this year. Now, we’ve decided:

To attend MCFC 2021 all attendees will be required to be COVID-19 vaccinated, or to wear a mask for the duration of the convention.

When you check in at registration to pick up your badge, show them your vaccination card. If you’ve lost your vaccination card or are otherwise unable or unwilling to show it, we will ask you to wear a mask through the entire convention.

These requirements are subject to change depending on state and federal regulations, and pandemic conditions as we get closer to the convention.

Artists Alley and Dealer Table Availability Update

Sorry prospective vendors, we don’t anticipate opening dealers table applications for this year. Similar to registration, we’re carrying over the paid and confirmed dealers from 2020 to this year’s convention. Please keep an eye out after this year for information on becoming a dealer in 2022.

The Artist Alley will be available, though space may be very limited this year. We’re still looking at placement options with our new venue. But if you’re hoping to sit in the AA this year, just be aware that spots are likely to be limited.

That’s it for today! Now we go back to getting everything back up and running, and ready for you this Saturday!