MCFC 2021: T-2 months!

by Drykath
Posted on 3 years, 6 months ago

I'm a little late getting this out, but we have a lot in the air and I wanted to get as much down for this as possible! First, let's start with the important stuff.

COVID-19 Vaccination Proof

With officials hinting that there's a possibility of the Canadian border opening up in time, and given that so many different systems do things in their own ways, we're expanding the types of documents we'll accept. That now includes but may not be limited to:

  • An original, or digital picture of an authentic United States CDC COVID-19 vaccination card. This is most likely what you'll have.
  • An official original document, or digital screen showing an official Canadian province vaccine record, an EU vaccination certificate, or similar record issued by the healthcare provider in your region that administered your vaccination.
  • A digital screen of a patient portal showing COVID-19 vaccination dates, such as UofM's MyChart.
  • A note from a licensed healthcare professional attesting that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

When you get to registration to pick up your badge, show them one of the above. We will not retain any of the documentation, and please don't send it to us ahead of time.

Remember, it takes two weeks following the shot to build up the full effects of the vaccination. The two-dose series vaccines are scheduled with about a month between doses. If you've been waiting to get it, the time is now!

And of course concern over variants is growing. We're certainly watching the situation. If you've registered, and you feel comfortable attending right now, you still have the option to move your registration to 2022 (specific dates are still TBD, unfortunately.) See the confirmation email you got from registration for the confirmation link that will let you do that, or see the Rescheduled page for more instructions. If you've attended another event (or even if you haven't) we encourage you to get a COVID-19 test ahead of time. I surely will.

Overflow Hotel

If you're still looking for a hotel room, we've made arrangements with the neighboring hotels as overflow space.

The walk isn't too bad -- about 10 minutes, depending on the traffic light. If you still need that room space, check out the details on making a reservation over on the Hotel page.

Dealers List

And lastly, our confirmed Dealers are up! We don't yet have a map of the table layout -- we'll try to get that posted closer to the convention.

But take a look at the vendors you'll see at the convention, what they might have available, and start making that shopping list so you can maximize your furryness!

And, there!

That's the current batch update for MCFC. We're now a little under two months to go -- time is flying! Hope to see you there!