MCFC 2021 Vaccination Update

by Drykath
Posted on 3 years, 6 months ago

This is fairly big, important news that you'll need to know. Are you ready?

Vaccination Against COVID-19 Will Be Required to Attend MCFC 2021

Previously we'd announced that anyone unable to show proof of vaccination would be allowed in, under provision of remaining masked the entire time. With the rising COVID-19 rates we're seeing right now, especially with the delta, lambda, and who knows what other variants we might see popping up, we could not see a path forward to holding a convention at this time without changing that. So in the interest of the safety of all our attendees ( you all) and your families, COVID-19 vaccination will be required this year.

We’ve been figuring out everything we’ll need to do to make this happen, but at the moment we don't anticipate allowing any exceptions to the rule. And as always, our policies may be updated in accordance with any changes to state and local guidelines.

Now on to the specifics:

Receive Your Vaccination by Thursday, September 23

Remember, you're considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving a single-dose vaccine (such as the Johnson & Johnson Jannsen vaccine,) or two weeks after receiving the second dose of a 2-dose series vaccine (such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.) As such, you must receive all doses of the vaccine by September 23, 2021. If you've not yet received your vaccine, they're available free of charge, and probably at a location close to you!

COVID-19 Vaccination Proof

The types of proof we will accept is at this time still the same as before. The list includes but may not be limited to:

  • An original, or digital picture of an authentic United States CDC COVID-19 vaccination card. This is most likely what you'll have.
  • An official original document, or digital screen showing an official Canadian province vaccine record, an EU vaccination certificate, or similar record issued by the healthcare provider in your region that administered your vaccination.
  • A digital screen of a patient portal showing COVID-19 vaccination dates, such as UofM's MyChart.
  • A verifiable letter from a licensed healthcare professional attesting that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Show Us At the Con

When you get to the con, be prepared to show your documentation to registration staff in order to receive your badge. Don't forget it at home -- add it to your con packing list!

We will not retain any of the documentation, or record any of the information. Just, no proof, no badge. And please don't send it to us ahead of time.


Masking is recommended but not required to attend the convention.

There's Always MCFC 2022

We hope this policy change doesn't doesn't affect many of you. But if this requirement means you'll be unable to attend this year, you still have the option to defer your registration to 2022 (specific dates are still TBD, unfortunately.) When you registered, you should have received an email with a confirmation link. If you had registered before June 26th, additional confirmation messages were sent out on that date with the same link. There are instructions inside that link that allow you to automatically move your registration to next year. If you need any additional help, or if you can't find that link, should be able to help you out. Registration staffers are working through a number of messages now, however, so please give them some time to respond.

And as before that option will be available up until the convention itself. We know it’s no fun missing a convention, but if you’re showing symptoms of an illness or otherwise not feeling well before the con, please stay home.

Onward to October!

Just a little over one month to go! Stay safe and healthy; looking forward to seeing you then!