We're Still Here!

by Drykath
Posted on 4 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone!

We hope you're still staying safe and keeping healthy. It's tough, especially this far in, but thank you for doing what you can.

Likewise, we're trying to do what we can to help keep everyone safe, too. We'd originally hoped that vaccines would be available and things would clear up at least by our usual April timeframe in 2021. But now we know that's unlikely to be the case, meaning we're unable to guarantee we can do it safely. You've certainly guessed by now, but just to be clear:

MCFC will not happen at our normal April, 2021 time.


When will we be back? We're looking at options for sure, be it later into 2021 (Motor City Fall Con?) or even 2022.

We know you're eager to get back to a convention. We're eager to be a convention. So as always we're looking to see the earliest time we can do it, while doing it safely and responsibly. Certainly we want you to come back and attend MCFC, but we want you to come back again and again after. We don't want to put anyone at risk by trying to hold the convention too early.

Of course you'll need lead time. Work and travel arrangements need to be set. So we're not going to drop it on you short notice without any time to prepare. In other words, we'll be putting the dates out well in advance. So watch this site for updates, we'll let you know as soon as we do!

In the mean time keep on staying as safe and keeping as healthy as possible, and I know we'll meet again some sunny day.