8 p.m.

Anarchy's Singing Apocalypse

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference E

Come on out for a good ol' time with Karaoke of your favorite songs.

Hosts: AnarchyStar
Room: Conference E
Thursday, 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

9 p.m.

Mystery Science Theater Fur Thousand

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

Mystery Science Theatre 3000 – furry style! Come join Alkali as we (and probably the whole room full of people) verbally rip a movie of our choosing to shreds! Hopefully this year’s movie will NOT have center screen wipes.

Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Thursday, 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10 p.m.

Furry Karaoke

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Kick out the jams at MCFC! Stop by the karaoke room and put in a song request. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, or just want to enjoy the atmosphere, you're invited to make new friends at this musical event.

Hosts: Ado, Scotch, and Alé
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Thursday, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

2:30 p.m.

Improv Workshop

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

This is a panel to practice and have fun with improv. It's a less stressful environment than on Whose Lion. We will go over some basics, answer questions, play some games based on the focus of this particular workshop, and attempt to best meet the participants where they are at with the craft. The focus is on playing some games around working on your craft.

Hosts: Iggy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

3:30 p.m.

Iggy's Improv Hour

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

Iggy and friends' improv show! A special show featuring short-form games you do not typically get to see as well as long form improv games.

Hosts: Iggy, Citrine, Status, Alkali, and many more
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Friday, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

4:30 p.m.

Really Bad (But Comical) Advice From a Shep

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference B

For a small random charity donation Scooby Shep will give the worst (but funniest) advice possible

Hosts: Scoobyshep
Room: Conference B
Friday, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

5 p.m.

Whose Lion Is It Anyway?

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

Based off the popular TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway,” this is everyone’s chance to get up on stage and improvise with their fellow furs! A completely interactive panel, Whose Lion will feature such games as: Questions Only, Who’s Line, Party Quirks, and even World’s Worst. Hosted by Alkali, this panel is sure to be a good time for all; so come on out, get up on stage, and show everyone how quick your wit is. Panel is 18+, and may not be suitable for minors. People with a heart condition should not have a heart attack during this panel as we will think you are acting. Panel has been known to cause uproarious laughter, fits of giggling, and diarrhea. See you there!

Hosts: Alkali Iggyy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Friday, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

5:30 p.m.

Goon River: An Long-Form Improv Game

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Artist Alley / Conference C

Come and learn about the denizens of Goon River. This is a improv format that consists of monologues. The story is not played, but told. Each player will give an introduction and will use different aspects of each other’s monologues to flesh out the town that they all live in.

Hosts: Terry Maize
Room: Artist Alley / Conference C
Friday, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

7 p.m.

Mass Debation

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference B

Hot Dogs vs. Velociraptors, SpongeBob vs. tax rebates. Come join the panelists for an absurd improvisational debate where they have to argue topics chosen by the audience and a moderator who'd rather be elsewhere for charity!

Hosts: Boozy
Room: Conference B
Friday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

Variety Show Tryouts

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

"Got a talent? Are you actually funny? Bring your Skits, musical performances, comedy shows, or what have you, and come try out"

Hosts: Miki Mooz , KP , Anarchystar
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Friday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10:30 p.m.

Drunken Doodles

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Where Creativity Meets Chaos. Join our panel of (allegedly) talented artists as they attempt to create masterpieces while navigating the whimsical effects of, shall we say, "inspiration." Expect hilarious misinterpretations, questionable techniques, and a whole lot of laughter. It's art, but make it tipsy...

Hosts: MLW, Candy Bear
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Friday, 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

9:30 a.m.

Nave's Dance Workshop

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference E

Have you ever wanted to learn how to dance or wanted to join the dance comp? Come join us and have fun and learn different styles of dance including, Jump style, shuffle, freestyle, and much more, Come dance or hang out. (Fursuit not required)

Hosts: Nave_Admiral & Crimson Creature
Room: Conference E
Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10:30 a.m.

Convention War Stories

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Come out and see what happens behind the closed doors of conventions. Sit back and listen to the stories that you were never meant to find out about from our panel of convention staff and board members. Enjoy the stories and find out why that cop was shaking his head well laughing.

Hosts: Alkali Kage Boozy Pandez
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

1 p.m.

Pup Mingle

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference E

Want to meet and play with other pups? Come to the pup mingle. We will have toys for pups to play with and get to know each other.

Hosts: Pup Rosie, Milila
Room: Conference E
Saturday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

1:30 p.m.

Charity Whose Lion Is It Anyway?

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

Come out and see some of the funniest people in the fandom performing in Improv games. This 100% off the cuff event will go to support our charity, so come one come all and see some of your favorite funny furs make fools of themselves. As with any Improv event, audience participation is bound to happen.

Hosts: Alkali Iggy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

The Traditional Anthro: Fine Arts and Furry Fandom

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference F

How does traditional media fit within the mostly digital world of anthropomorphic art? Can anthro art be accepted in the fine art world? Join nationally exhibited anthro artist Raven Foxx in a thoughtful conversation about her experience creating, showing, and promoting furry art in a fine arts environment.

Hosts: Raven Foxx
Room: Conference F
Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

2:30 p.m.

Before Furry: Funny Animal Comics

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Ever wonder what the fandom was like BEFORE the term 'furry' was coined? One word: COMICS! Come on in for a history lesson on how the furry fandom started by learning about the 'funny animal' comic genre. There will be actual comics you can read at the panel too! Let's time travel back to the 90s/80s together in comic form.

Hosts: Fluffymilo
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Saturday, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

3:30 p.m.

Cards Against Humanity For Charity

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference F

Come play Cards Against Humanity for the benefit of Wolf Creek Habitat.

Hosts: Scoobyshep, Starburst AWD & Everest Clawson and Scarlet Clawson
Room: Conference F
Saturday, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

Variety at the End of the Universe

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)

Furries from every dark corner of the galaxy gather to show of their talents! Comedy, Music, drama, and....sadistic puppets? Come see for yourself, and don't forget your towel

Hosts: KP, Anarchystar, Miki Mooz
Room: Main Events (Wilke Ballroom)
Saturday, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

4 p.m.

Super Password Plus

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

The game of secret words! You and our celebrity guests team up to give the right clue to get your partner to say the secret word. Each of the five passwords in a round are clues towards a riddle to solve. Alkali still hates this game.

Hosts: Iggy, Alkali, Pandez
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Saturday, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

6 p.m.

I Comedy Better When I've Had a Few

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

I have no idea what is going to happen at this charity event, but it is for a good cause. Show up, throw some money into the hat and enjoy the show. And for those of you that asked for this on Twitter… I hope you’re happy.

Hosts: Alkali Boozy Badger
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Saturday, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

9 p.m.

Iggy Needs A Kidney

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference B

A one dinosaur show. It'll be funny, or real, or both, but it'll definitely be something not to be missed. You can learn more about kidney donation for Iggy at .

Hosts: Iggy
Room: Conference B
Saturday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10 p.m.

Bingo: After Dark

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Bingo with a twist! Fantastic prizes such as fursuit props, art commissions, board games, toys and so much more! Attendees get one basic bingo card free and can donate for unlimited extra basic (10$) and premium cards (20$). Seating limited to first 200 people. Premium prizes worth $20+!

Hosts: JediWitch, Comet, Persephone, Cecil, Whuffy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Saturday, 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

Legal Funhouse

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference E

Join Boozy and the certified Legal Layman, Alkali, for a live recording of the show where a ferret tries to understand a basic legal concept through the discussion of an often absurd case or cases.

Hosts: Boozy , Alkali
Room: Conference E
Saturday, 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10:30 p.m.

Question This!

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference B

This odd twist of the popular game show "Jeopardy", puts panelists AND the audience on the spot. Audience members will also have a chance to be up front providing the questions too ("What is..."), while the audience shouts out suggestions for the answers! Join us and our array of other characters as we improvise our way through Question This!

Hosts: Sigma TheWolf
Room: Conference B
Saturday, 10:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel

10 a.m.

Basic Law

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Do you accept that you know nothing about the law or do you think Google went to law school? In either situation come join Boozy in a discussion of a legal principle to confirm that all of this is just being made up as we go along.

Hosts: Boozy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Details/Link to this panel

11 a.m.

Iggy's Guinea Pigs

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference E

Iggy has a Furassic menagerie of games to play in a game show format. The main object is to solve Rebus puzzles by uncovering pieces of it as we play games.

Hosts: Iggy
Room: Conference E
Sunday, 11 a.m. to noon
Details/Link to this panel

11:30 a.m.

Dad Advice

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Conference B

Need advice from someone who's seen it, been there, lived through it? I'll be available to answer questions, give advice, talk about life and everything else I've picked up over the last 40+ years. Everything from insurance, buying a home, DIY, to career options.

Hosts: Bayou
Room: Conference B
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
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Furry Feud

Track: Entertainment / Performance / Comedy
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)

Just like the game show, Furry Feud surveys the top 100 furries and your team tries to come up with the most popular answers.

Hosts: CyBear
Room: Secondary Events (Auditorium 1)
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Details/Link to this panel